Source code for plexapi.sync

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
You can work with Mobile Sync on other devices straight away, but if you'd like to use your app as a `sync-target` (when
you can set items to be synced to your app) you need to init some variables.

.. code-block:: python

    def init_sync():
        import plexapi
        plexapi.X_PLEX_PROVIDES = 'sync-target'
        plexapi.BASE_HEADERS['X-Plex-Sync-Version'] = '2'
        plexapi.BASE_HEADERS['X-Plex-Provides'] = plexapi.X_PLEX_PROVIDES

        # mimic iPhone SE
        plexapi.X_PLEX_PLATFORM = 'iOS'
        plexapi.X_PLEX_PLATFORM_VERSION = '11.4.1'
        plexapi.X_PLEX_DEVICE = 'iPhone'

        plexapi.BASE_HEADERS['X-Plex-Platform'] = plexapi.X_PLEX_PLATFORM
        plexapi.BASE_HEADERS['X-Plex-Platform-Version'] = plexapi.X_PLEX_PLATFORM_VERSION
        plexapi.BASE_HEADERS['X-Plex-Device'] = plexapi.X_PLEX_DEVICE

You have to fake platform/device/model because transcoding profiles are hardcoded in Plex, and you obviously have
to explicitly specify that your app supports `sync-target`.
import requests

import plexapi
from plexapi.base import PlexObject
from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound, BadRequest

[docs] class SyncItem(PlexObject): """ Represents single sync item, for specified server and client. When you saying in the UI to sync "this" to "that" you're basically creating a sync item. Attributes: id (int): unique id of the item. clientIdentifier (str): an identifier of Plex Client device, to which the item is belongs. machineIdentifier (str): the id of server which holds all this content. version (int): current version of the item. Each time you modify the item (e.g. by changing amount if media to sync) the new version is created. rootTitle (str): the title of library/media from which the sync item was created. E.g.: * when you create an item for an episode 3 of season 3 of show Example, the value would be `Title of Episode 3` * when you create an item for a season 3 of show Example, the value would be `Season 3` * when you set to sync all your movies in library named "My Movies" to value would be `My Movies`. title (str): the title which you've set when created the sync item. metadataType (str): the type of media which hides inside, can be `episode`, `movie`, etc. contentType (str): basic type of the content: `video` or `audio`. status (:class:`~plexapi.sync.Status`): current status of the sync. mediaSettings (:class:`~plexapi.sync.MediaSettings`): media transcoding settings used for the item. policy (:class:`~plexapi.sync.Policy`): the policy of which media to sync. location (str): plex-style library url with all required filters / sorting. """ TAG = 'SyncItem' def __init__(self, server, data, initpath=None, clientIdentifier=None): super(SyncItem, self).__init__(server, data, initpath) self.clientIdentifier = clientIdentifier def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data = plexapi.utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id')) self.version = plexapi.utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('version')) self.rootTitle = data.attrib.get('rootTitle') self.title = data.attrib.get('title') self.metadataType = data.attrib.get('metadataType') self.contentType = data.attrib.get('contentType') self.machineIdentifier = data.find('Server').get('machineIdentifier') self.status = Status(**data.find('Status').attrib) self.mediaSettings = MediaSettings(**data.find('MediaSettings').attrib) self.policy = Policy(**data.find('Policy').attrib) self.location = data.find('Location').attrib.get('uri', '')
[docs] def server(self): """ Returns :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexResource` with server of current item. """ server = [s for s in self._server.resources() if s.clientIdentifier == self.machineIdentifier] if len(server) == 0: raise NotFound(f'Unable to find server with uuid {self.machineIdentifier}') return server[0]
[docs] def getMedia(self): """ Returns list of :class:`~plexapi.base.Playable` which belong to this sync item. """ server = self.server().connect() key = f'/sync/items/{}' return server.fetchItems(key)
[docs] def markDownloaded(self, media): """ Mark the file as downloaded (by the nature of Plex it will be marked as downloaded within any SyncItem where it presented). Parameters: media (base.Playable): the media to be marked as downloaded. """ url = f'/sync/{self.clientIdentifier}/item/{media.ratingKey}/downloaded' media._server.query(url, method=requests.put)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Removes current SyncItem """ url = SyncList.key.format(clientId=self.clientIdentifier) url += '/' + str( self._server.query(url, self._server._session.delete)
[docs] class SyncList(PlexObject): """ Represents a Mobile Sync state, specific for single client, within one SyncList may be presented items from different servers. Attributes: clientId (str): an identifier of the client. items (List<:class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`>): list of registered items to sync. """ key = '{clientId}/sync_items' TAG = 'SyncList' def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data self.clientId = data.attrib.get('clientIdentifier') self.items = [] syncItems = data.find('SyncItems') if syncItems: for sync_item in syncItems.iter('SyncItem'): item = SyncItem(self._server, sync_item, clientIdentifier=self.clientId) self.items.append(item)
[docs] class Status: """ Represents a current status of specific :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`. Attributes: failureCode: unknown, never got one yet. failure: unknown. state (str): server-side status of the item, can be `completed`, `pending`, empty, and probably something else. itemsCount (int): total items count. itemsCompleteCount (int): count of transcoded and/or downloaded items. itemsDownloadedCount (int): count of downloaded items. itemsReadyCount (int): count of transcoded items, which can be downloaded. totalSize (int): total size in bytes of complete items. itemsSuccessfulCount (int): unknown, in my experience it always was equal to `itemsCompleteCount`. """ def __init__(self, itemsCount, itemsCompleteCount, state, totalSize, itemsDownloadedCount, itemsReadyCount, itemsSuccessfulCount, failureCode, failure): self.itemsDownloadedCount = plexapi.utils.cast(int, itemsDownloadedCount) self.totalSize = plexapi.utils.cast(int, totalSize) self.itemsReadyCount = plexapi.utils.cast(int, itemsReadyCount) self.failureCode = failureCode self.failure = failure self.itemsSuccessfulCount = plexapi.utils.cast(int, itemsSuccessfulCount) self.state = state self.itemsCompleteCount = plexapi.utils.cast(int, itemsCompleteCount) self.itemsCount = plexapi.utils.cast(int, itemsCount) def __repr__(self): d = dict( itemsCount=self.itemsCount, itemsCompleteCount=self.itemsCompleteCount, itemsDownloadedCount=self.itemsDownloadedCount, itemsReadyCount=self.itemsReadyCount, itemsSuccessfulCount=self.itemsSuccessfulCount ) return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}>:{d}'
[docs] class MediaSettings: """ Transcoding settings used for all media within :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`. Attributes: audioBoost (int): unknown. maxVideoBitrate (int|str): maximum bitrate for video, may be empty string. musicBitrate (int|str): maximum bitrate for music, may be an empty string. photoQuality (int): photo quality on scale 0 to 100. photoResolution (str): maximum photo resolution, formatted as WxH (e.g. `1920x1080`). videoResolution (str): maximum video resolution, formatted as WxH (e.g. `1280x720`, may be empty). subtitleSize (int): subtitle size on scale 0 to 100. videoQuality (int): video quality on scale 0 to 100. """ def __init__(self, maxVideoBitrate=4000, videoQuality=100, videoResolution='1280x720', audioBoost=100, musicBitrate=192, photoQuality=74, photoResolution='1920x1080', subtitleSize=100): self.audioBoost = plexapi.utils.cast(int, audioBoost) self.maxVideoBitrate = plexapi.utils.cast(int, maxVideoBitrate) if maxVideoBitrate != '' else '' self.musicBitrate = plexapi.utils.cast(int, musicBitrate) if musicBitrate != '' else '' self.photoQuality = plexapi.utils.cast(int, photoQuality) if photoQuality != '' else '' self.photoResolution = photoResolution self.videoResolution = videoResolution self.subtitleSize = plexapi.utils.cast(int, subtitleSize) if subtitleSize != '' else '' self.videoQuality = plexapi.utils.cast(int, videoQuality) if videoQuality != '' else ''
[docs] @staticmethod def createVideo(videoQuality): """ Returns a :class:`~plexapi.sync.MediaSettings` object, based on provided video quality value. Parameters: videoQuality (int): idx of quality of the video, one of VIDEO_QUALITY_* values defined in this module. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: When provided unknown video quality. """ if videoQuality == VIDEO_QUALITY_ORIGINAL: return MediaSettings('', '', '') elif videoQuality < len(VIDEO_QUALITIES['bitrate']): return MediaSettings(VIDEO_QUALITIES['bitrate'][videoQuality], VIDEO_QUALITIES['videoQuality'][videoQuality], VIDEO_QUALITIES['videoResolution'][videoQuality]) else: raise BadRequest('Unexpected video quality')
[docs] @staticmethod def createMusic(bitrate): """ Returns a :class:`~plexapi.sync.MediaSettings` object, based on provided music quality value Parameters: bitrate (int): maximum bitrate for synchronized music, better use one of MUSIC_BITRATE_* values from the module """ return MediaSettings(musicBitrate=bitrate)
[docs] @staticmethod def createPhoto(resolution): """ Returns a :class:`~plexapi.sync.MediaSettings` object, based on provided photo quality value. Parameters: resolution (str): maximum allowed resolution for synchronized photos, see PHOTO_QUALITY_* values in the module. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: When provided unknown video quality. """ if resolution in PHOTO_QUALITIES: return MediaSettings(photoQuality=PHOTO_QUALITIES[resolution], photoResolution=resolution) else: raise BadRequest('Unexpected photo quality')
[docs] class Policy: """ Policy of syncing the media (how many items to sync and process watched media or not). Attributes: scope (str): type of limitation policy, can be `count` or `all`. value (int): amount of media to sync, valid only when `scope=count`. unwatched (bool): True means disallow to sync watched media. """ def __init__(self, scope, unwatched, value=0): self.scope = scope self.unwatched = plexapi.utils.cast(bool, unwatched) self.value = plexapi.utils.cast(int, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def create(limit=None, unwatched=False): """ Creates a :class:`~plexapi.sync.Policy` object for provided options and automatically sets proper `scope` value. Parameters: limit (int): limit items by count. unwatched (bool): if True then watched items wouldn't be synced. Returns: :class:`~plexapi.sync.Policy`. """ scope = 'all' if limit is None: limit = 0 else: scope = 'count' return Policy(scope, unwatched, limit)
VIDEO_QUALITIES = { 'bitrate': [64, 96, 208, 320, 720, 1500, 2e3, 3e3, 4e3, 8e3, 1e4, 12e3, 2e4], 'videoResolution': ['220x128', '220x128', '284x160', '420x240', '576x320', '720x480', '1280x720', '1280x720', '1280x720', '1920x1080', '1920x1080', '1920x1080', '1920x1080'], 'videoQuality': [10, 20, 30, 30, 40, 60, 60, 75, 100, 60, 75, 90, 100], } VIDEO_QUALITY_0_2_MBPS = 2 VIDEO_QUALITY_0_3_MBPS = 3 VIDEO_QUALITY_0_7_MBPS = 4 VIDEO_QUALITY_1_5_MBPS_480p = 5 VIDEO_QUALITY_2_MBPS_720p = 6 VIDEO_QUALITY_3_MBPS_720p = 7 VIDEO_QUALITY_4_MBPS_720p = 8 VIDEO_QUALITY_8_MBPS_1080p = 9 VIDEO_QUALITY_10_MBPS_1080p = 10 VIDEO_QUALITY_12_MBPS_1080p = 11 VIDEO_QUALITY_20_MBPS_1080p = 12 VIDEO_QUALITY_ORIGINAL = -1 AUDIO_BITRATE_96_KBPS = 96 AUDIO_BITRATE_128_KBPS = 128 AUDIO_BITRATE_192_KBPS = 192 AUDIO_BITRATE_320_KBPS = 320 PHOTO_QUALITIES = { '720x480': 24, '1280x720': 49, '1920x1080': 74, '3840x2160': 99, } PHOTO_QUALITY_HIGHEST = PHOTO_QUALITY_2160p = '3840x2160' PHOTO_QUALITY_HIGH = PHOTO_QUALITY_1080p = '1920x1080' PHOTO_QUALITY_MEDIUM = PHOTO_QUALITY_720p = '1280x720' PHOTO_QUALITY_LOW = PHOTO_QUALITY_480p = '720x480'