
Python-PlexAPI will work fine without any configuration. However, sometimes there are things you may wish to alter for more control of the default behavior. The default configuration file path is ~/.config/plexapi/config.ini which can be overridden by setting the environment variable PLEXAPI_CONFIG_PATH with the file path you desire. All configuration variables in this file are optional. An example config.ini file may look like the following with all possible value specified.

# ~/.config/plexapi/config.ini
container_size = 50
timeout = 30

myplex_username = johndoe
myplex_password = kodi-stinks
server_baseurl =
server_token = XBHSMSJSDJ763JSm
client_baseurl =
client_token = BDFSLCNSNL789FH7

identifier = 0x485b314307f3L
platorm = Linux
platform_version = 4.4.0-62-generic
product = PlexAPI
version = 3.0.0

backup_count = 3
format = %(asctime)s %(module)12s:%(lineno)-4s %(levelname)-9s %(message)s
level = INFO
path = ~/.config/plexapi/plexapi.log
rotate_bytes = 512000
show_secrets = false

Environment Variables

All configuration values can be set or overridden via environment variables. The environment variable names are in all upper case and follow the format PLEXAPI_<SECTION>_<NAME>. For example, if you wish to set the log path via an environment variable, you may specify: PLEXAPI_LOG_PATH=”/tmp/plexapi.log”

Section [plexapi] Options


Default max results to return in on single search page. Looping through result pages is done internally by the API. Therefore, tuning this setting will not affect usage of plexapi. However, it help improve performance for large media collections (default: 50).


Timeout in seconds to use when making requests to the Plex Media Server or Plex Client resources (default: 30).


By default PlexAPI will automatically reload() any PlexPartialObject when accessing a missing attribute. When this option is set to false, automatic reloading will be disabled and reload() must be called manually (default: true).


By default Plex will be trying to connect with all available connection methods simultaneously, combining local and remote addresses, http and https, and be waiting for all connection to establish (or fail due to timeout / any other error), this can take long time when you’re trying to connect to your Plex Server outside of your home network.

When the options is set to true the connection procedure will be aborted with first successfully established connection (default: false).

Section [auth] Options


Default MyPlex ( username to use when creating a new MyPlexAccount object. Specifying this along with auth.myplex_password allow you to more easily connect to your account and remove the need to hard code the username and password in any supplemental scripts you may write. To create an account object using these values you may simply specify account = MyPlexAccount() without any arguments (default: None).


Default MyPlex ( password to use when creating a new MyPlexAccount object. See auth.myplex_password for more information and example usage (default: None).

WARNING: When specifying a password or token in the configuration file, be sure lock it down (permission 600) to ensure no other users on the system can read them. Or better yet, only specify sensitive values as a local environment variables.


Default baseurl to use when creating a new PlexServer object. Specifying this along with auth.server_token allow you to more easily connect to a server and remove the need to hard code the baseurl and token in any supplemental scripts you may write. To create a server object using these values you may simply specify plex = PlexServer() without any arguments (default: None).


Default token to use when creating a new PlexServer object. See auth.server_baseurl for more information and example usage (default: None).

WARNING: When specifying a password or token in the configuration file, be sure lock it down (permission 600) to ensure no other users on the system can read them. Or better yet, only specify sensitive values as a local environment variables.


Default baseurl to use when creating a new PlexClient object. Specifying this along with auth.client_token allow you to more easily connect to a client and remove the need to hard code the baseurl and token in any supplemental scripts you may write. To create a client object using these values you may simply specify client = PlexClient() without any arguments (default: None).


Default token to use when creating a new PlexClient object. See auth.client_baseurl for more information and example usage (default: None).

WARNING: When specifying a password or token in the configuration file, be sure lock it down (permission 600) to ensure no other users on the system can read them. Or better yet, only specify sensitive values as a local environment variables.

Section [header] Options


Header value used for X_PLEX_DEVICE to all Plex server and Plex client requests. Example devices include: iPhone, FireTV, Linux (default: result of platform.uname()[0]).


Header value used for X_PLEX_DEVICE_NAME to all Plex server and Plex client requests. Example device names include: hostname or phone name (default: result of platform.uname()[1]).


Header value used for X_PLEX_IDENTIFIER to all Plex server and Plex client requests. This is generally a UUID, serial number, or other number unique id for the device (default: result of hex(uuid.getnode())).


Header value used for X_PLEX_LANGUAGE to all Plex server and Plex client requests. This is an ISO 639-1 language code (default: en).


Header value used for X_PLEX_PLATFORM to all Plex server and Plex client requests. Example platforms include: iOS, MacOSX, Android, LG (default: result of platform.uname()[0]).


Header value used for X_PLEX_PLATFORM_VERSION to all Plex server and Plex client requests. This is generally the server or client operating system version: 4.3.1, 10.6.7, 3.2 (default: result of platform.uname()[2]).


Header value used for X_PLEX_PRODUCT to all Plex server and Plex client requests. This is the Plex application name: Laika, Plex Media Server, Media Link (default: PlexAPI).


Header value used for X_PLEX_PROVIDES to all Plex server and Plex client requests This is generally one or more of: controller, player, server (default: PlexAPI).


Header value used for X_PLEX_VERSION to all Plex server and Plex client requests. This is the Plex application version (default: plexapi.VERSION).

Section [log] Options


Number backup log files to keep before rotating out old logs (default 3).


Log file format to use for plexapi logging. (default: ‘%(asctime)s %(module)12s:%(lineno)-4s %(levelname)-9s %(message)s’). Ref:


Log level to use when for plexapi logging (default: INFO).


File path to save plexapi logs to. If not specified, plexapi will not save logs to an output file (default: None).


Max size of the log file before rotating logs to a backup file (default: 512000 equals 0.5MB).


By default Plex will hide all passwords and token values when logging. Set this to ‘true’ to enable logging these secrets. This should only be done on a private server and only enabled when needed (default: false).