Source code for plexapi.sonos

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests

from plexapi.client import PlexClient
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest
from plexapi.playqueue import PlayQueue

[docs] class PlexSonosClient(PlexClient): """ Class for interacting with a Sonos speaker via the Plex API. This class makes requests to an external Plex API which then forwards the Sonos-specific commands back to your Plex server & Sonos speakers. Use of this feature requires an active Plex Pass subscription and Sonos speakers linked to your Plex account. It also requires remote access to be working properly. More details on the Sonos integration are available here: The Sonos API emulates the Plex player control API closely: Parameters: account (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.PlexAccount`): PlexAccount instance this Sonos speaker is associated with. data (ElementTree): Response from Plex Sonos API used to build this client. Attributes: deviceClass (str): "speaker" lanIP (str): Local IP address of speaker. machineIdentifier (str): Unique ID for this device. platform (str): "Sonos" platformVersion (str): Build version of Sonos speaker firmware. product (str): "Sonos" protocol (str): "plex" protocolCapabilities (list<str>): List of client capabilities (timeline, playback, playqueues, provider-playback) server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): Server this client is connected to. session (:class:`~requests.Session`): Session object used for connection. title (str): Name of this Sonos speaker. token (str): X-Plex-Token used for authentication _baseurl (str): Address of public Plex Sonos API endpoint. _commandId (int): Counter for commands sent to Plex API. _token (str): Token associated with linked Plex account. _session (obj): Requests session object used to access this client. """ def __init__(self, account, data, timeout=None): self._data = data self.deviceClass = data.attrib.get("deviceClass") self.machineIdentifier = data.attrib.get("machineIdentifier") self.product = data.attrib.get("product") self.platform = data.attrib.get("platform") self.platformVersion = data.attrib.get("platformVersion") self.protocol = data.attrib.get("protocol") self.protocolCapabilities = data.attrib.get("protocolCapabilities") self.lanIP = data.attrib.get("lanIP") self.title = data.attrib.get("title") self._baseurl = "" self._commandId = 0 self._token = account._token self._session = account._session or requests.Session() # Dummy values for PlexClient inheritance self._last_call = 0 self._proxyThroughServer = False self._showSecrets = CONFIG.get("log.show_secrets", "").lower() == "true" self._timeout = timeout or TIMEOUT
[docs] def playMedia(self, media, offset=0, **params): if hasattr(media, "playlistType"): mediatype = media.playlistType else: if isinstance(media, PlayQueue): mediatype = media.items[0].listType else: mediatype = media.listType if mediatype == "audio": mediatype = "music" else: raise BadRequest("Sonos currently only supports music for playback") server_protocol, server_address, server_port = media._server._baseurl.split(":") server_address = server_address.strip("/") server_port = server_port.strip("/") playqueue = ( media if isinstance(media, PlayQueue) else media._server.createPlayQueue(media) ) self.sendCommand( "playback/playMedia", **dict( { "type": "music", "providerIdentifier": "com.plexapp.plugins.library", "containerKey": f"/playQueues/{playqueue.playQueueID}?own=1", "key": media.key, "offset": offset, "machineIdentifier": media._server.machineIdentifier, "protocol": server_protocol, "address": server_address, "port": server_port, "token": media._server.createToken(), "commandID": self._nextCommandId(), "X-Plex-Client-Identifier": X_PLEX_IDENTIFIER, "X-Plex-Token": media._server._token, "X-Plex-Target-Client-Identifier": self.machineIdentifier, }, **params ) )