Source code for plexapi.myplex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import html
import threading
import time
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import requests

                     log, logfilter, utils)
from plexapi.base import PlexObject
from plexapi.client import PlexClient
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized, TwoFactorRequired
from plexapi.library import LibrarySection
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
from plexapi.sonos import PlexSonosClient
from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, SyncList
from requests.status_codes import _codes as codes

[docs] class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject): """ MyPlex account and profile information. This object represents the data found Account on the servers at the url You may create this object directly by passing in your username & password (or token). There is also a convenience method provided at :class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer.myPlexAccount()` which will create and return this object. Parameters: username (str): Plex login username if not using a token. password (str): Plex login password if not using a token. token (str): Plex authentication token instead of username and password. session (requests.Session, optional): Use your own session object if you want to cache the http responses from PMS. timeout (int): timeout in seconds on initial connect to myplex (default config.TIMEOUT). code (str): Two-factor authentication code to use when logging in with username and password. remember (bool): Remember the account token for 14 days (Default True). Attributes: key (str): '' adsConsent (str): Unknown. adsConsentReminderAt (str): Unknown. adsConsentSetAt (str): Unknown. anonymous (str): Unknown. authToken (str): The account token. backupCodesCreated (bool): If the two-factor authentication backup codes have been created. confirmed (bool): If the account has been confirmed. country (str): The account country. email (str): The account email address. emailOnlyAuth (bool): If login with email only is enabled. experimentalFeatures (bool): If experimental features are enabled. friendlyName (str): Your account full name. entitlements (List<str>): List of devices your allowed to use with this account. guest (bool): If the account is a Plex Home guest user. hasPassword (bool): If the account has a password. home (bool): If the account is a Plex Home user. homeAdmin (bool): If the account is the Plex Home admin. homeSize (int): The number of accounts in the Plex Home. id (int): The Plex account ID. joinedAt (datetime): Date the account joined Plex. locale (str): the account locale mailingListActive (bool): If you are subscribed to the Plex newsletter. mailingListStatus (str): Your current mailing list status. maxHomeSize (int): The maximum number of accounts allowed in the Plex Home. pin (str): The hashed Plex Home PIN. profileAutoSelectAudio (bool): If the account has automatically select audio and subtitle tracks enabled. profileDefaultAudioLanguage (str): The preferred audio language for the account. profileDefaultSubtitleLanguage (str): The preferred subtitle language for the account. profileAutoSelectSubtitle (int): The auto-select subtitle mode (0 = Manually selected, 1 = Shown with foreign audio, 2 = Always enabled). profileDefaultSubtitleAccessibility (int): The subtitles for the deaf or hard-of-hearing (SDH) searches mode (0 = Prefer non-SDH subtitles, 1 = Prefer SDH subtitles, 2 = Only show SDH subtitles, 3 = Only shown non-SDH subtitles). profileDefaultSubtitleForced (int): The forced subtitles searches mode (0 = Prefer non-forced subtitles, 1 = Prefer forced subtitles, 2 = Only show forced subtitles, 3 = Only show non-forced subtitles). protected (bool): If the account has a Plex Home PIN enabled. rememberExpiresAt (datetime): Date the token expires. restricted (bool): If the account is a Plex Home managed user. roles: (List<str>) Lit of account roles. Plexpass membership listed here. scrobbleTypes (List<int>): Unknown. subscriptionActive (bool): If the account's Plex Pass subscription is active. subscriptionDescription (str): Description of the Plex Pass subscription. subscriptionFeatures: (List<str>) List of features allowed on your Plex Pass subscription. subscriptionPaymentService (str): Payment service used for your Plex Pass subscription. subscriptionPlan (str): Name of Plex Pass subscription plan. subscriptionStatus (str): String representation of ``subscriptionActive``. subscriptionSubscribedAt (datetime): Date the account subscribed to Plex Pass. thumb (str): URL of the account thumbnail. title (str): The title of the account (username or friendly name). twoFactorEnabled (bool): If two-factor authentication is enabled. username (str): The account username. uuid (str): The account UUID. """ FRIENDINVITE = '{machineId}/shared_servers' # post with data HOMEUSERS = '' HOMEUSERCREATE = '{title}' # post with data EXISTINGUSER = '{username}' # post with data FRIENDSERVERS = '{machineId}/shared_servers/{serverId}' # put with data PLEXSERVERS = '{machineId}' # get FRIENDUPDATE = '{userId}' # put with args, delete HOMEUSER = '{userId}' # delete, put MANAGEDHOMEUSER = '{userId}' # put SIGNIN = '' # post with auth SIGNOUT = '' # delete WEBHOOKS = '' # get, post with data OPTOUTS = '{userUUID}/settings/opt_outs' # get LINK = '' # put VIEWSTATESYNC = '' # put PING = '' # Hub sections VOD = '' # get MUSIC = '' # get DISCOVER = '' METADATA = '' key = '' def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, token=None, session=None, timeout=None, code=None, remember=True): self._token = logfilter.add_secret(token or CONFIG.get('auth.server_token')) self._session = session or requests.Session() self._timeout = timeout or TIMEOUT self._sonos_cache = [] self._sonos_cache_timestamp = 0 data, initpath = self._signin(username, password, code, remember, timeout) super(MyPlexAccount, self).__init__(self, data, initpath) def _signin(self, username, password, code, remember, timeout): if self._token: return self.query(self.key), self.key payload = { 'login': username or CONFIG.get('auth.myplex_username'), 'password': password or CONFIG.get('auth.myplex_password'), 'rememberMe': remember } if code: payload['verificationCode'] = code data = self.query(self.SIGNIN,, data=payload, timeout=timeout) return data, self.SIGNIN
[docs] def signout(self): """ Sign out of the Plex account. Invalidates the authentication token. """ return self.query(self.SIGNOUT, method=self._session.delete)
def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self._token = logfilter.add_secret(data.attrib.get('authToken')) self._webhooks = [] self.adsConsent = data.attrib.get('adsConsent') self.adsConsentReminderAt = data.attrib.get('adsConsentReminderAt') self.adsConsentSetAt = data.attrib.get('adsConsentSetAt') self.anonymous = data.attrib.get('anonymous') self.authToken = self._token self.backupCodesCreated = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('backupCodesCreated')) self.confirmed = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('confirmed')) = data.attrib.get('country') = data.attrib.get('email') self.emailOnlyAuth = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('emailOnlyAuth')) self.experimentalFeatures = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('experimentalFeatures')) self.friendlyName = data.attrib.get('friendlyName') self.guest = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('guest')) self.hasPassword = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('hasPassword')) self.home = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('home')) self.homeAdmin = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('homeAdmin')) self.homeSize = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('homeSize')) = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id')) self.joinedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('joinedAt')) self.locale = data.attrib.get('locale') self.mailingListActive = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('mailingListActive')) self.mailingListStatus = data.attrib.get('mailingListStatus') self.maxHomeSize = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('maxHomeSize')) = data.attrib.get('pin') self.protected = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('protected')) self.rememberExpiresAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('rememberExpiresAt')) self.restricted = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('restricted')) self.scrobbleTypes = [utils.cast(int, x) for x in data.attrib.get('scrobbleTypes').split(',')] self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb') self.title = data.attrib.get('title') self.twoFactorEnabled = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('twoFactorEnabled')) self.username = data.attrib.get('username') self.uuid = data.attrib.get('uuid') subscription = data.find('subscription') self.subscriptionActive = utils.cast(bool, subscription.attrib.get('active')) self.subscriptionDescription = data.attrib.get('subscriptionDescription') self.subscriptionFeatures = self.listAttrs(subscription, 'id', rtag='features', etag='feature') self.subscriptionPaymentService = subscription.attrib.get('paymentService') self.subscriptionPlan = subscription.attrib.get('plan') self.subscriptionStatus = subscription.attrib.get('status') self.subscriptionSubscribedAt = utils.toDatetime( subscription.attrib.get('subscribedAt') or None, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z' ) profile = data.find('profile') self.profileAutoSelectAudio = utils.cast(bool, profile.attrib.get('autoSelectAudio')) self.profileDefaultAudioLanguage = profile.attrib.get('defaultAudioLanguage') self.profileDefaultSubtitleLanguage = profile.attrib.get('defaultSubtitleLanguage') self.profileAutoSelectSubtitle = utils.cast(int, profile.attrib.get('autoSelectSubtitle')) self.profileDefaultSubtitleAccessibility = utils.cast(int, profile.attrib.get('defaultSubtitleAccessibility')) self.profileDefaultSubtitleForces = utils.cast(int, profile.attrib.get('defaultSubtitleForces')) self.entitlements = self.listAttrs(data, 'id', rtag='entitlements', etag='entitlement') self.roles = self.listAttrs(data, 'id', rtag='roles', etag='role') # TODO: Fetch missing MyPlexAccount services = None @property def authenticationToken(self): """ Returns the authentication token for the account. Alias for ``authToken``. """ return self.authToken def _reload(self, key=None, **kwargs): """ Perform the actual reload. """ data = self.query(self.key) self._loadData(data) return self def _headers(self, **kwargs): """ Returns dict containing base headers for all requests to the server. """ headers = BASE_HEADERS.copy() if self._token: headers['X-Plex-Token'] = self._token headers.update(kwargs) return headers def query(self, url, method=None, headers=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): method = method or self._session.get timeout = timeout or self._timeout log.debug('%s %s %s', method.__name__.upper(), url, kwargs.get('json', '')) headers = self._headers(**headers or {}) response = method(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) if response.status_code not in (200, 201, 204): # pragma: no cover codename = codes.get(response.status_code)[0] errtext = response.text.replace('\n', ' ') message = f'({response.status_code}) {codename}; {response.url} {errtext}' if response.status_code == 401: if "verification code" in response.text: raise TwoFactorRequired(message) raise Unauthorized(message) elif response.status_code == 404: raise NotFound(message) elif response.status_code == 422 and "Invalid token" in response.text: raise Unauthorized(message) else: raise BadRequest(message) if 'application/json' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''): return response.json() elif 'text/plain' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''): return response.text.strip() data = utils.cleanXMLString(response.text).encode('utf8') return ElementTree.fromstring(data) if data.strip() else None
[docs] def ping(self): """ Ping the API. This will refresh the authentication token to prevent it from expiring. """ pong = self.query(self.PING) if pong is not None: return utils.cast(bool, pong.text) return False
[docs] def device(self, name=None, clientId=None): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice` that matches the name specified. Parameters: name (str): Name to match against. clientId (str): clientIdentifier to match against. """ for device in self.devices(): if (name and == name.lower() or device.clientIdentifier == clientId): return device raise NotFound(f'Unable to find device {name}')
[docs] def devices(self): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice` objects connected to the server. """ data = self.query(MyPlexDevice.key) return [MyPlexDevice(self, elem) for elem in data]
[docs] def resource(self, name): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexResource` that matches the name specified. Parameters: name (str): Name or machine identifier to match against. """ for resource in self.resources(): if == name.lower() or resource.clientIdentifier == name: return resource raise NotFound(f'Unable to find resource {name}')
[docs] def resources(self): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexResource` objects connected to the server. """ data = self.query(MyPlexResource.key) return [MyPlexResource(self, elem) for elem in data]
def sonos_speakers(self): if 'companions_sonos' not in self.subscriptionFeatures: return [] t = time.time() if t - self._sonos_cache_timestamp > 5: self._sonos_cache_timestamp = t data = self.query('') self._sonos_cache = [PlexSonosClient(self, elem) for elem in data] return self._sonos_cache def sonos_speaker(self, name): return next((x for x in self.sonos_speakers() if x.title.split("+")[0].strip() == name), None) def sonos_speaker_by_id(self, identifier): return next((x for x in self.sonos_speakers() if x.machineIdentifier.startswith(identifier)), None)
[docs] def inviteFriend(self, user, server, sections=None, allowSync=False, allowCameraUpload=False, allowChannels=False, filterMovies=None, filterTelevision=None, filterMusic=None): """ Share library content with the specified user. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`): `MyPlexUser` object, username, or email of the user to be added. server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): `PlexServer` object, or machineIdentifier containing the library sections to share. sections (List<:class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection`>): List of `LibrarySection` objects, or names to be shared (default None). `sections` must be defined in order to update shared libraries. allowSync (Bool): Set True to allow user to sync content. allowCameraUpload (Bool): Set True to allow user to upload photos. allowChannels (Bool): Set True to allow user to utilize installed channels. filterMovies (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterTelevision (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterMusic (Dict): Dict containing key 'label' set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'label':['foo']}` """ username = user.username if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else user machineId = server.machineIdentifier if isinstance(server, PlexServer) else server sectionIds = self._getSectionIds(machineId, sections) params = { 'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds, 'invited_email': username}, 'sharing_settings': { 'allowSync': ('1' if allowSync else '0'), 'allowCameraUpload': ('1' if allowCameraUpload else '0'), 'allowChannels': ('1' if allowChannels else '0'), 'filterMovies': self._filterDictToStr(filterMovies or {}), 'filterTelevision': self._filterDictToStr(filterTelevision or {}), 'filterMusic': self._filterDictToStr(filterMusic or {}), }, } headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} url = self.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineId) return self.query(url,, json=params, headers=headers)
[docs] def createHomeUser(self, user, server, sections=None, allowSync=False, allowCameraUpload=False, allowChannels=False, filterMovies=None, filterTelevision=None, filterMusic=None): """ Share library content with the specified user. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`): `MyPlexUser` object, username, or email of the user to be added. server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): `PlexServer` object, or machineIdentifier containing the library sections to share. sections (List<:class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection`>): List of `LibrarySection` objects, or names to be shared (default None). `sections` must be defined in order to update shared libraries. allowSync (Bool): Set True to allow user to sync content. allowCameraUpload (Bool): Set True to allow user to upload photos. allowChannels (Bool): Set True to allow user to utilize installed channels. filterMovies (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterTelevision (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterMusic (Dict): Dict containing key 'label' set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'label':['foo']}` """ machineId = server.machineIdentifier if isinstance(server, PlexServer) else server sectionIds = self._getSectionIds(server, sections) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} url = self.HOMEUSERCREATE.format(title=user) # UserID needs to be created and referenced when adding sections user_creation = self.query(url,, headers=headers) userIds = {} for elem in user_creation.findall("."): # Find userID userIds['id'] = elem.attrib.get('id') log.debug(userIds) params = { 'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds, 'invited_id': userIds['id']}, 'sharing_settings': { 'allowSync': ('1' if allowSync else '0'), 'allowCameraUpload': ('1' if allowCameraUpload else '0'), 'allowChannels': ('1' if allowChannels else '0'), 'filterMovies': self._filterDictToStr(filterMovies or {}), 'filterTelevision': self._filterDictToStr(filterTelevision or {}), 'filterMusic': self._filterDictToStr(filterMusic or {}), }, } url = self.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineId) library_assignment = self.query(url,, json=params, headers=headers) return user_creation, library_assignment
[docs] def createExistingUser(self, user, server, sections=None, allowSync=False, allowCameraUpload=False, allowChannels=False, filterMovies=None, filterTelevision=None, filterMusic=None): """ Share library content with the specified user. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`): `MyPlexUser` object, username, or email of the user to be added. server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): `PlexServer` object, or machineIdentifier containing the library sections to share. sections (List<:class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection`>): List of `LibrarySection` objects, or names to be shared (default None). `sections` must be defined in order to update shared libraries. allowSync (Bool): Set True to allow user to sync content. allowCameraUpload (Bool): Set True to allow user to upload photos. allowChannels (Bool): Set True to allow user to utilize installed channels. filterMovies (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterTelevision (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterMusic (Dict): Dict containing key 'label' set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'label':['foo']}` """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # If user already exists, carry over sections and settings. if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser): username = user.username elif user in [_user.username for _user in self.users()]: username = self.user(user).username else: # If user does not already exists, treat request as new request and include sections and settings. newUser = user url = self.EXISTINGUSER.format(username=newUser) user_creation = self.query(url,, headers=headers) machineId = server.machineIdentifier if isinstance(server, PlexServer) else server sectionIds = self._getSectionIds(server, sections) params = { 'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds, 'invited_email': newUser}, 'sharing_settings': { 'allowSync': ('1' if allowSync else '0'), 'allowCameraUpload': ('1' if allowCameraUpload else '0'), 'allowChannels': ('1' if allowChannels else '0'), 'filterMovies': self._filterDictToStr(filterMovies or {}), 'filterTelevision': self._filterDictToStr(filterTelevision or {}), 'filterMusic': self._filterDictToStr(filterMusic or {}), }, } url = self.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineId) library_assignment = self.query(url,, json=params, headers=headers) return user_creation, library_assignment url = self.EXISTINGUSER.format(username=username) return self.query(url,, headers=headers)
[docs] def removeFriend(self, user): """ Remove the specified user from your friends. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`, username, or email of the user to be removed. """ user = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else self.user(user) url = self.FRIENDUPDATE.format( return self.query(url, self._session.delete)
[docs] def removeHomeUser(self, user): """ Remove the specified user from your home users. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`, username, or email of the user to be removed. """ user = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else self.user(user) url = self.HOMEUSER.format( return self.query(url, self._session.delete)
[docs] def switchHomeUser(self, user, pin=None): """ Returns a new :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount` object switched to the given home user. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`, username, or email of the home user to switch to. pin (str): PIN for the home user (required if the home user has a PIN set). Example: .. code-block:: python from plexapi.myplex import MyPlexAccount # Login to a Plex Home account account = MyPlexAccount('<USERNAME>', '<PASSWORD>') # Switch to a different Plex Home user userAccount = account.switchHomeUser('Username') """ user = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else self.user(user) url = f'{self.HOMEUSERS}/{}/switch' params = {} if pin: params['pin'] = pin data = self.query(url,, params=params) userToken = data.attrib.get('authenticationToken') return MyPlexAccount(token=userToken, session=self._session)
[docs] def setPin(self, newPin, currentPin=None): """ Set a new Plex Home PIN for the account. Parameters: newPin (str): New PIN to set for the account. currentPin (str): Current PIN for the account (required to change the PIN). """ url = self.HOMEUSER.format( params = {'pin': newPin} if currentPin: params['currentPin'] = currentPin return self.query(url, self._session.put, params=params)
[docs] def removePin(self, currentPin): """ Remove the Plex Home PIN for the account. Parameters: currentPin (str): Current PIN for the account (required to remove the PIN). """ return self.setPin('', currentPin)
[docs] def setManagedUserPin(self, user, newPin): """ Set a new Plex Home PIN for a managed home user. This must be done from the Plex Home admin account. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or username of the managed home user. newPin (str): New PIN to set for the managed home user. """ user = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else self.user(user) url = self.MANAGEDHOMEUSER.format( params = {'pin': newPin} return self.query(url,, params=params)
[docs] def removeManagedUserPin(self, user): """ Remove the Plex Home PIN for a managed home user. This must be done from the Plex Home admin account. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` or username of the managed home user. """ user = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else self.user(user) url = self.MANAGEDHOMEUSER.format( params = {'removePin': 1} return self.query(url,, params=params)
[docs] def acceptInvite(self, user): """ Accept a pending friend invite from the specified user. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexInvite` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexInvite`, username, or email of the friend invite to accept. """ invite = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexInvite) else self.pendingInvite(user, includeSent=False) params = { 'friend': int(invite.friend), 'home': int(invite.home), 'server': int(invite.server) } url = MyPlexInvite.REQUESTS + f'/{}' + utils.joinArgs(params) return self.query(url, self._session.put)
[docs] def cancelInvite(self, user): """ Cancel a pending firend invite for the specified user. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexInvite` or str): :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexInvite`, username, or email of the friend invite to cancel. """ invite = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexInvite) else self.pendingInvite(user, includeReceived=False) params = { 'friend': int(invite.friend), 'home': int(invite.home), 'server': int(invite.server) } url = MyPlexInvite.REQUESTED + f'/{}' + utils.joinArgs(params) return self.query(url, self._session.delete)
[docs] def updateFriend(self, user, server, sections=None, removeSections=False, allowSync=None, allowCameraUpload=None, allowChannels=None, filterMovies=None, filterTelevision=None, filterMusic=None): """ Update the specified user's share settings. Parameters: user (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser`): `MyPlexUser` object, username, or email of the user to be updated. server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): `PlexServer` object, or machineIdentifier containing the library sections to share. sections (List<:class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection`>): List of `LibrarySection` objects, or names to be shared (default None). `sections` must be defined in order to update shared libraries. removeSections (Bool): Set True to remove all shares. Supersedes sections. allowSync (Bool): Set True to allow user to sync content. allowCameraUpload (Bool): Set True to allow user to upload photos. allowChannels (Bool): Set True to allow user to utilize installed channels. filterMovies (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterTelevision (Dict): Dict containing key 'contentRating' and/or 'label' each set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'contentRating':['G'], 'label':['foo']}` filterMusic (Dict): Dict containing key 'label' set to a list of values to be filtered. ex: `{'label':['foo']}` """ # Update friend servers response_filters = '' response_servers = '' user = user if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else self.user(user) machineId = server.machineIdentifier if isinstance(server, PlexServer) else server sectionIds = self._getSectionIds(machineId, sections) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # Determine whether user has access to the shared server. user_servers = [s for s in user.servers if s.machineIdentifier == machineId] if user_servers and sectionIds: serverId = user_servers[0].id params = {'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds}} url = self.FRIENDSERVERS.format(machineId=machineId, serverId=serverId) else: params = {'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds, 'invited_id':}} url = self.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineId) # Remove share sections, add shares to user without shares, or update shares if not user_servers or sectionIds: if removeSections is True: response_servers = self.query(url, self._session.delete, json=params, headers=headers) elif 'invited_id' in params.get('shared_server', ''): response_servers = self.query(url,, json=params, headers=headers) else: response_servers = self.query(url, self._session.put, json=params, headers=headers) else: log.warning('Section name, number of section object is required changing library sections') # Update friend filters url = self.FRIENDUPDATE.format( params = {} if isinstance(allowSync, bool): params['allowSync'] = '1' if allowSync else '0' if isinstance(allowCameraUpload, bool): params['allowCameraUpload'] = '1' if allowCameraUpload else '0' if isinstance(allowChannels, bool): params['allowChannels'] = '1' if allowChannels else '0' if isinstance(filterMovies, dict): params['filterMovies'] = self._filterDictToStr(filterMovies or {}) # '1' if allowChannels else '0' if isinstance(filterTelevision, dict): params['filterTelevision'] = self._filterDictToStr(filterTelevision or {}) if isinstance(allowChannels, dict): params['filterMusic'] = self._filterDictToStr(filterMusic or {}) if params: url += utils.joinArgs(params) response_filters = self.query(url, self._session.put) return response_servers, response_filters
[docs] def user(self, username): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` that matches the specified username or email. Parameters: username (str): Username, email or id of the user to return. """ username = str(username) for user in self.users(): # Home users don't have email, username etc. if username.lower() == user.title.lower(): return user elif (user.username and and and username.lower() in (user.username.lower(),, str( return user raise NotFound(f'Unable to find user {username}')
[docs] def users(self): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexUser` objects connected to your account. """ elem = self.query(MyPlexUser.key) return self.findItems(elem, cls=MyPlexUser)
[docs] def pendingInvite(self, username, includeSent=True, includeReceived=True): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexInvite` that matches the specified username or email. Note: This can be a pending invite sent from your account or received to your account. Parameters: username (str): Username, email or id of the user to return. includeSent (bool): True to include sent invites. includeReceived (bool): True to include received invites. """ username = str(username) for invite in self.pendingInvites(includeSent, includeReceived): if (invite.username and and and username.lower() in (invite.username.lower(),, str( return invite raise NotFound(f'Unable to find invite {username}')
[docs] def pendingInvites(self, includeSent=True, includeReceived=True): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexInvite` objects connected to your account. Note: This includes all pending invites sent from your account and received to your account. Parameters: includeSent (bool): True to include sent invites. includeReceived (bool): True to include received invites. """ invites = [] if includeSent: elem = self.query(MyPlexInvite.REQUESTED) invites += self.findItems(elem, cls=MyPlexInvite) if includeReceived: elem = self.query(MyPlexInvite.REQUESTS) invites += self.findItems(elem, cls=MyPlexInvite) return invites
def _getSectionIds(self, server, sections): """ Converts a list of section objects or names to sectionIds needed for library sharing. """ if not sections: return [] # Get a list of all section ids for looking up each section. allSectionIds = {} machineIdentifier = server.machineIdentifier if isinstance(server, PlexServer) else server url = self.PLEXSERVERS.format(machineId=machineIdentifier) data = self.query(url, self._session.get) for elem in data[0]: _id = utils.cast(int, elem.attrib.get('id')) _key = utils.cast(int, elem.attrib.get('key')) _title = elem.attrib.get('title', '').lower() allSectionIds[_id] = _id allSectionIds[_key] = _id allSectionIds[_title] = _id log.debug(allSectionIds) # Convert passed in section items to section ids from above lookup sectionIds = [] for section in sections: sectionKey = section.key if isinstance(section, LibrarySection) else section.lower() sectionIds.append(allSectionIds[sectionKey]) return sectionIds def _filterDictToStr(self, filterDict): """ Converts friend filters to a string representation for transport. """ values = [] for key, vals in filterDict.items(): if key not in ('contentRating', 'label', 'contentRating!', 'label!'): raise BadRequest(f'Unknown filter key: {key}') values.append(f"{key}={'%2C'.join(vals)}") return '|'.join(values) def addWebhook(self, url): # copy _webhooks and append url urls = self._webhooks[:] + [url] return self.setWebhooks(urls) def deleteWebhook(self, url): urls = copy.copy(self._webhooks) if url not in urls: raise BadRequest(f'Webhook does not exist: {url}') urls.remove(url) return self.setWebhooks(urls) def setWebhooks(self, urls):'Setting webhooks: %s', urls) data = {'urls[]': urls} if len(urls) else {'urls': ''} data = self.query(self.WEBHOOKS,, data=data) self._webhooks = self.listAttrs(data, 'url', etag='webhook') return self._webhooks def webhooks(self): data = self.query(self.WEBHOOKS) self._webhooks = self.listAttrs(data, 'url', etag='webhook') return self._webhooks
[docs] def optOut(self, playback=None, library=None): """ Opt in or out of sharing stuff with plex. See: """ params = {} if playback is not None: params['optOutPlayback'] = int(playback) if library is not None: params['optOutLibraryStats'] = int(library) url = '' return self.query(url, method=self._session.put, data=params)
[docs] def syncItems(self, client=None, clientId=None): """ Returns an instance of :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncList` for specified client. Parameters: client (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): a client to query SyncItems for. clientId (str): an identifier of a client to query SyncItems for. If both `client` and `clientId` provided the client would be preferred. If neither `client` nor `clientId` provided the clientId would be set to current clients's identifier. """ if client: clientId = client.clientIdentifier elif clientId is None: clientId = X_PLEX_IDENTIFIER data = self.query(SyncList.key.format(clientId=clientId)) return SyncList(self, data)
[docs] def sync(self, sync_item, client=None, clientId=None): """ Adds specified sync item for the client. It's always easier to use methods defined directly in the media objects, e.g. :func:``, :func:``. Parameters: client (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): a client for which you need to add SyncItem to. clientId (str): an identifier of a client for which you need to add SyncItem to. sync_item (:class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`): prepared SyncItem object with all fields set. If both `client` and `clientId` provided the client would be preferred. If neither `client` nor `clientId` provided the clientId would be set to current clients's identifier. Returns: :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: When client with provided clientId wasn't found. :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: Provided client doesn't provides `sync-target`. """ if not client and not clientId: clientId = X_PLEX_IDENTIFIER if not client: for device in self.devices(): if device.clientIdentifier == clientId: client = device break if not client: raise BadRequest(f'Unable to find client by clientId={clientId}') if 'sync-target' not in client.provides: raise BadRequest("Received client doesn't provides sync-target") params = { 'SyncItem[title]': sync_item.title, 'SyncItem[rootTitle]': sync_item.rootTitle, 'SyncItem[metadataType]': sync_item.metadataType, 'SyncItem[machineIdentifier]': sync_item.machineIdentifier, 'SyncItem[contentType]': sync_item.contentType, 'SyncItem[Policy][scope]': sync_item.policy.scope, 'SyncItem[Policy][unwatched]': str(int(sync_item.policy.unwatched)), 'SyncItem[Policy][value]': str(sync_item.policy.value if hasattr(sync_item.policy, 'value') else 0), 'SyncItem[Location][uri]': sync_item.location, 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][audioBoost]': str(sync_item.mediaSettings.audioBoost), 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][maxVideoBitrate]': str(sync_item.mediaSettings.maxVideoBitrate), 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][musicBitrate]': str(sync_item.mediaSettings.musicBitrate), 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][photoQuality]': str(sync_item.mediaSettings.photoQuality), 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][photoResolution]': sync_item.mediaSettings.photoResolution, 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][subtitleSize]': str(sync_item.mediaSettings.subtitleSize), 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][videoQuality]': str(sync_item.mediaSettings.videoQuality), 'SyncItem[MediaSettings][videoResolution]': sync_item.mediaSettings.videoResolution, } url = SyncList.key.format(clientId=client.clientIdentifier) data = self.query(url,, params=params) return SyncItem(self, data, None, clientIdentifier=client.clientIdentifier)
[docs] def claimToken(self): """ Returns a str, a new "claim-token", which you can use to register your new Plex Server instance to your account. See:, """ response = self._session.get('', headers=self._headers(), timeout=TIMEOUT) if response.status_code not in (200, 201, 204): # pragma: no cover codename = codes.get(response.status_code)[0] errtext = response.text.replace('\n', ' ') raise BadRequest(f'({response.status_code}) {codename} {response.url}; {errtext}') return response.json()['token']
[docs] def history(self, maxresults=None, mindate=None): """ Get Play History for all library sections on all servers for the owner. Parameters: maxresults (int): Only return the specified number of results (optional). mindate (datetime): Min datetime to return results from. """ servers = [x for x in self.resources() if x.provides == 'server' and x.owned] hist = [] for server in servers: conn = server.connect() hist.extend(conn.history(maxresults=maxresults, mindate=mindate, accountID=1)) return hist
[docs] def onlineMediaSources(self): """ Returns a list of user account Online Media Sources settings :class:`~plexapi.myplex.AccountOptOut` """ url = self.OPTOUTS.format(userUUID=self.uuid) elem = self.query(url) return self.findItems(elem, cls=AccountOptOut, etag='optOut')
[docs] def videoOnDemand(self): """ Returns a list of VOD Hub items :class:`~plexapi.library.Hub` """ data = self.query(f'{self.VOD}/hubs') return self.findItems(data)
[docs] def tidal(self): """ Returns a list of tidal Hub items :class:`~plexapi.library.Hub` """ data = self.query(f'{self.MUSIC}/hubs') return self.findItems(data)
[docs] def watchlist(self, filter=None, sort=None, libtype=None, maxresults=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`` and :class:`` items in the user's watchlist. Note: The objects returned are from Plex's online metadata. To get the matching item on a Plex server, search for the media using the guid. Parameters: filter (str, optional): 'available' or 'released' to only return items that are available or released, otherwise return all items. sort (str, optional): In the format ``field:dir``. Available fields are ``watchlistedAt`` (Added At), ``titleSort`` (Title), ``originallyAvailableAt`` (Release Date), or ``rating`` (Critic Rating). ``dir`` can be ``asc`` or ``desc``. libtype (str, optional): 'movie' or 'show' to only return movies or shows, otherwise return all items. maxresults (int, optional): Only return the specified number of results. **kwargs (dict): Additional custom filters to apply to the search results. Example: .. code-block:: python # Watchlist for released movies sorted by critic rating in descending order watchlist = account.watchlist(filter='released', sort='rating:desc', libtype='movie') item = watchlist[0] # First item in the watchlist # Search for the item on a Plex server result =, libtype=item.type) """ params = { 'includeCollections': 1, 'includeExternalMedia': 1 } if not filter: filter = 'all' if sort: params['sort'] = sort if libtype: params['type'] = utils.searchType(libtype) params.update(kwargs) key = f'{self.METADATA}/library/sections/watchlist/{filter}{utils.joinArgs(params)}' return self._toOnlineMetadata(self.fetchItems(key, maxresults=maxresults), **kwargs)
[docs] def onWatchlist(self, item): """ Returns True if the item is on the user's watchlist. Parameters: item (:class:`` or :class:``): Item to check if it is on the user's watchlist. """ return bool(self.userState(item).watchlistedAt)
[docs] def addToWatchlist(self, items): """ Add media items to the user's watchlist Parameters: items (List): List of :class:`` or :class:`` objects to be added to the watchlist. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: When trying to add invalid or existing media to the watchlist. """ if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] for item in items: if self.onWatchlist(item): raise BadRequest(f'"{item.title}" is already on the watchlist') ratingKey = item.guid.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] self.query(f'{self.METADATA}/actions/addToWatchlist?ratingKey={ratingKey}', method=self._session.put) return self
[docs] def removeFromWatchlist(self, items): """ Remove media items from the user's watchlist Parameters: items (List): List of :class:`` or :class:`` objects to be added to the watchlist. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: When trying to remove invalid or non-existing media to the watchlist. """ if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] for item in items: if not self.onWatchlist(item): raise BadRequest(f'"{item.title}" is not on the watchlist') ratingKey = item.guid.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] self.query(f'{self.METADATA}/actions/removeFromWatchlist?ratingKey={ratingKey}', method=self._session.put) return self
[docs] def userState(self, item): """ Returns a :class:`~plexapi.myplex.UserState` object for the specified item. Parameters: item (:class:`` or :class:``): Item to return the user state. """ ratingKey = item.guid.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] data = self.query(f"{self.METADATA}/library/metadata/{ratingKey}/userState") return self.findItem(data, cls=UserState)
[docs] def isPlayed(self, item): """ Return True if the item is played on Discover. Parameters: item (:class:``, :class:``, :class:`` or :class:``): Object from searchDiscover(). Can be also result from Plex Movie or Plex TV Series agent. """ userState = self.userState(item) return bool(userState.viewCount > 0) if userState.viewCount else False
[docs] def markPlayed(self, item): """ Mark the Plex object as played on Discover. Parameters: item (:class:``, :class:``, :class:`` or :class:``): Object from searchDiscover(). Can be also result from Plex Movie or Plex TV Series agent. """ key = f'{self.METADATA}/actions/scrobble' ratingKey = item.guid.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] params = {'key': ratingKey, 'identifier': 'com.plexapp.plugins.library'} self.query(key, params=params) return self
[docs] def markUnplayed(self, item): """ Mark the Plex object as unplayed on Discover. Parameters: item (:class:``, :class:``, :class:`` or :class:``): Object from searchDiscover(). Can be also result from Plex Movie or Plex TV Series agent. """ key = f'{self.METADATA}/actions/unscrobble' ratingKey = item.guid.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] params = {'key': ratingKey, 'identifier': 'com.plexapp.plugins.library'} self.query(key, params=params) return self
[docs] def searchDiscover(self, query, limit=30, libtype=None, providers='discover'): """ Search for movies and TV shows in Discover. Returns a list of :class:`` and :class:`` objects. Parameters: query (str): Search query. limit (int, optional): Limit to the specified number of results. Default 30. libtype (str, optional): 'movie' or 'show' to only return movies or shows, otherwise return all items. providers (str, optional): 'discover' for default behavior or 'discover,PLEXAVOD' to also include the Plex ad-suported video service or 'discover,PLEXAVOD,PLEXTVOD' to also include the Plex video rental service """ libtypes = {'movie': 'movies', 'show': 'tv'} libtype = libtypes.get(libtype, 'movies,tv') headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json' } params = { 'query': query, 'limit': limit, 'searchTypes': libtype, 'searchProviders': providers, 'includeMetadata': 1 } data = self.query(f'{self.DISCOVER}/library/search', headers=headers, params=params) searchResults = data['MediaContainer'].get('SearchResults', []) searchResult = next((s.get('SearchResult', []) for s in searchResults if s.get('id') == 'external'), []) results = [] for result in searchResult: metadata = result['Metadata'] type = metadata['type'] if type == 'movie': tag = 'Video' elif type == 'show': tag = 'Directory' else: continue attrs = ''.join(f'{k}="{html.escape(str(v))}" ' for k, v in metadata.items()) xml = f'<{tag} {attrs}/>' results.append(self._manuallyLoadXML(xml)) return self._toOnlineMetadata(results)
@property def viewStateSync(self): """ Returns True or False if syncing of watch state and ratings is enabled or disabled, respectively, for the account. """ headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} data = self.query(self.VIEWSTATESYNC, headers=headers) return data.get('consent')
[docs] def enableViewStateSync(self): """ Enable syncing of watch state and ratings for the account. """ self._updateViewStateSync(True)
[docs] def disableViewStateSync(self): """ Disable syncing of watch state and ratings for the account. """ self._updateViewStateSync(False)
def _updateViewStateSync(self, consent): """ Enable or disable syncing of watch state and ratings for the account. Parameters: consent (bool): True to enable, False to disable. """ params = {'consent': consent} self.query(self.VIEWSTATESYNC, method=self._session.put, params=params) def _toOnlineMetadata(self, objs, **kwargs): """ Convert a list of media objects to online metadata objects. """ # TODO: Add proper support for # Temporary workaround to allow reloading and browsing of online media objects server = PlexServer(self.METADATA, self._token, session=self._session) includeUserState = int(bool(kwargs.pop('includeUserState', True))) if not isinstance(objs, list): objs = [objs] for obj in objs: obj._server = server # Parse details key to modify query string url = urlsplit(obj._details_key) query = dict(parse_qsl(url.query)) query['includeUserState'] = includeUserState query.pop('includeFields', None) obj._details_key = urlunsplit((url.scheme, url.netloc, url.path, urlencode(query), url.fragment)) return objs
[docs] def publicIP(self): """ Returns your public IP address. """ return self.query('')
[docs] def geoip(self, ip_address): """ Returns a :class:`~plexapi.myplex.GeoLocation` object with geolocation information for an IP address using Plex's GeoIP database. Parameters: ip_address (str): IP address to lookup. """ params = {'ip_address': ip_address} data = self.query('', params=params) return GeoLocation(self, data)
[docs] class MyPlexUser(PlexObject): """ This object represents non-signed in users such as friends and linked accounts. NOTE: This should not be confused with the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount` which is your specific account. The raw xml for the data presented here can be found at: Attributes: TAG (str): 'User' key (str): '' allowCameraUpload (bool): True if this user can upload images. allowChannels (bool): True if this user has access to channels. allowSync (bool): True if this user can sync. email (str): User's email address ( filterAll (str): Unknown. filterMovies (str): Unknown. filterMusic (str): Unknown. filterPhotos (str): Unknown. filterTelevision (str): Unknown. home (bool): Unknown. id (int): User's Plex account ID. protected (False): Unknown (possibly SSL enabled?). recommendationsPlaylistId (str): Unknown. restricted (str): Unknown. servers (List<:class:`~plexapi.myplex.<MyPlexServerShare`>)): Servers shared with the user. thumb (str): Link to the users avatar. title (str): Seems to be an alias for username. username (str): User's username. """ TAG = 'User' key = '' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self.friend = self._initpath == self.key self.allowCameraUpload = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowCameraUpload')) self.allowChannels = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowChannels')) self.allowSync = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowSync')) = data.attrib.get('email') self.filterAll = data.attrib.get('filterAll') self.filterMovies = data.attrib.get('filterMovies') self.filterMusic = data.attrib.get('filterMusic') self.filterPhotos = data.attrib.get('filterPhotos') self.filterTelevision = data.attrib.get('filterTelevision') self.home = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('home')) = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id')) self.protected = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('protected')) self.recommendationsPlaylistId = data.attrib.get('recommendationsPlaylistId') self.restricted = data.attrib.get('restricted') self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb') self.title = data.attrib.get('title', '') self.username = data.attrib.get('username', '') self.servers = self.findItems(data, MyPlexServerShare) for server in self.servers: server.accountID = def get_token(self, machineIdentifier): try: for item in self._server.query(self._server.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineIdentifier)): if utils.cast(int, item.attrib.get('userID')) == return item.attrib.get('accessToken') except Exception: log.exception('Failed to get access token for %s', self.title)
[docs] def server(self, name): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexServerShare` that matches the name specified. Parameters: name (str): Name of the server to return. """ for server in self.servers: if name.lower() == return server raise NotFound(f'Unable to find server {name}')
[docs] def history(self, maxresults=None, mindate=None): """ Get all Play History for a user in all shared servers. Parameters: maxresults (int): Only return the specified number of results (optional). mindate (datetime): Min datetime to return results from. """ hist = [] for server in self.servers: hist.extend(server.history(maxresults=maxresults, mindate=mindate)) return hist
[docs] class MyPlexInvite(PlexObject): """ This object represents pending friend invites. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Invite' createdAt (datetime): Datetime the user was invited. email (str): User's email address ( friend (bool): True or False if the user is invited as a friend. friendlyName (str): The user's friendly name. home (bool): True or False if the user is invited to a Plex Home. id (int): User's Plex account ID. server (bool): True or False if the user is invited to any servers. servers (List<:class:`~plexapi.myplex.<MyPlexServerShare`>)): Servers shared with the user. thumb (str): Link to the users avatar. username (str): User's username. """ TAG = 'Invite' REQUESTS = '' REQUESTED = '' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self.createdAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('createdAt')) = data.attrib.get('email') self.friend = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('friend')) self.friendlyName = data.attrib.get('friendlyName') self.home = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('home')) = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id')) self.server = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('server')) self.servers = self.findItems(data, MyPlexServerShare) self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb') self.username = data.attrib.get('username', '') for server in self.servers: server.accountID =
[docs] class Section(PlexObject): """ This refers to a shared section. The raw xml for the data presented here can be found at:{machineId}/shared_servers Attributes: TAG (str): section id (int): The shared section ID key (int): The shared library section key shared (bool): If this section is shared with the user title (str): Title of the section type (str): movie, tvshow, artist """ TAG = 'Section' def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id')) self.key = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('key')) self.shared = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('shared', '0')) self.title = data.attrib.get('title') self.type = data.attrib.get('type') self.sectionId = # For backwards compatibility self.sectionKey = self.key # For backwards compatibility
[docs] def history(self, maxresults=None, mindate=None): """ Get all Play History for a user for this section in this shared server. Parameters: maxresults (int): Only return the specified number of results (optional). mindate (datetime): Min datetime to return results from. """ server = self._server._server.resource( return server.history(maxresults=maxresults, mindate=mindate, accountID=self._server.accountID, librarySectionID=self.sectionKey)
[docs] class MyPlexServerShare(PlexObject): """ Represents a single user's server reference. Used for library sharing. Attributes: id (int): id for this share serverId (str): what id plex uses for this. machineIdentifier (str): The servers machineIdentifier name (str): The servers name lastSeenAt (datetime): Last connected to the server? numLibraries (int): Total number of libraries allLibraries (bool): True if all libraries is shared with this user. owned (bool): 1 if the server is owned by the user pending (bool): True if the invite is pending. """ TAG = 'Server' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('id')) self.accountID = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('accountID')) self.serverId = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('serverId')) self.machineIdentifier = data.attrib.get('machineIdentifier') = data.attrib.get('name') self.lastSeenAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastSeenAt')) self.numLibraries = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('numLibraries')) self.allLibraries = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allLibraries')) self.owned = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('owned')) self.pending = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('pending'))
[docs] def section(self, name): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.Section` that matches the name specified. Parameters: name (str): Name of the section to return. """ for section in self.sections(): if name.lower() == section.title.lower(): return section raise NotFound(f'Unable to find section {name}')
[docs] def sections(self): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.myplex.Section` objects shared with this user. """ url = MyPlexAccount.FRIENDSERVERS.format(machineId=self.machineIdentifier, data = self._server.query(url) return self.findItems(data, Section, rtag='SharedServer')
[docs] def history(self, maxresults=9999999, mindate=None): """ Get all Play History for a user in this shared server. Parameters: maxresults (int): Only return the specified number of results (optional). mindate (datetime): Min datetime to return results from. """ server = self._server.resource( return server.history(maxresults=maxresults, mindate=mindate, accountID=self.accountID)
[docs] class MyPlexResource(PlexObject): """ This object represents resources connected to your Plex server that can provide content such as Plex Media Servers, iPhone or Android clients, etc. The raw xml for the data presented here can be found at: Attributes: TAG (str): 'Device' key (str): '' accessToken (str): This resource's Plex access token. clientIdentifier (str): Unique ID for this resource. connections (list): List of :class:`~plexapi.myplex.ResourceConnection` objects for this resource. createdAt (datetime): Timestamp this resource first connected to your server. device (str): Best guess on the type of device this is (PS, iPhone, Linux, etc). dnsRebindingProtection (bool): True if the server had DNS rebinding protection. home (bool): Unknown httpsRequired (bool): True if the resource requires https. lastSeenAt (datetime): Timestamp this resource last connected. name (str): Descriptive name of this resource. natLoopbackSupported (bool): True if the resource supports NAT loopback. owned (bool): True if this resource is one of your own (you logged into it). ownerId (int): ID of the user that owns this resource (shared resources only). platform (str): OS the resource is running (Linux, Windows, Chrome, etc.) platformVersion (str): Version of the platform. presence (bool): True if the resource is online product (str): Plex product (Plex Media Server, Plex for iOS, Plex Web, etc.) productVersion (str): Version of the product. provides (str): List of services this resource provides (client, server, player, pubsub-player, etc.) publicAddressMatches (bool): True if the public IP address matches the client's public IP address. relay (bool): True if this resource has the Plex Relay enabled. sourceTitle (str): Username of the user that owns this resource (shared resources only). synced (bool): Unknown (possibly True if the resource has synced content?) """ TAG = 'resource' key = '' # Default order to prioritize available resource connections DEFAULT_LOCATION_ORDER = ['local', 'remote', 'relay'] DEFAULT_SCHEME_ORDER = ['https', 'http'] def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data self.accessToken = logfilter.add_secret(data.attrib.get('accessToken')) self.clientIdentifier = data.attrib.get('clientIdentifier') self.connections = self.findItems(data, ResourceConnection, rtag='connections') self.createdAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('createdAt'), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") self.device = data.attrib.get('device') self.dnsRebindingProtection = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('dnsRebindingProtection')) self.home = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('home')) self.httpsRequired = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('httpsRequired')) self.lastSeenAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastSeenAt'), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") = data.attrib.get('name') self.natLoopbackSupported = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('natLoopbackSupported')) self.owned = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('owned')) self.ownerId = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ownerId', 0)) self.platform = data.attrib.get('platform') self.platformVersion = data.attrib.get('platformVersion') self.presence = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('presence')) self.product = data.attrib.get('product') self.productVersion = data.attrib.get('productVersion') self.provides = data.attrib.get('provides') self.publicAddressMatches = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('publicAddressMatches')) self.relay = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('relay')) self.sourceTitle = data.attrib.get('sourceTitle') self.synced = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('synced'))
[docs] def preferred_connections( self, ssl=None, locations=None, schemes=None, ): """ Returns a sorted list of the available connection addresses for this resource. Often times there is more than one address specified for a server or client. Default behavior will prioritize local connections before remote or relay and HTTPS before HTTP. Parameters: ssl (bool, optional): Set True to only connect to HTTPS connections. Set False to only connect to HTTP connections. Set None (default) to connect to any HTTP or HTTPS connection. """ if locations is None: locations = self.DEFAULT_LOCATION_ORDER[:] if schemes is None: schemes = self.DEFAULT_SCHEME_ORDER[:] connections_dict = {location: {scheme: [] for scheme in schemes} for location in locations} for connection in self.connections: # Only check non-local connections unless we own the resource if self.owned or (not self.owned and not connection.local): location = 'relay' if connection.relay else ('local' if connection.local else 'remote') if location not in locations: continue if 'http' in schemes: connections_dict[location]['http'].append(connection.httpuri) if 'https' in schemes: connections_dict[location]['https'].append(connection.uri) if ssl is True: schemes.remove('http') elif ssl is False: schemes.remove('https') connections = [] for location in locations: for scheme in schemes: connections.extend(connections_dict[location][scheme]) return connections
[docs] def connect( self, ssl=None, timeout=None, locations=None, schemes=None, ): """ Returns a new :class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer` or :class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient` object. Uses `MyPlexResource.preferred_connections()` to generate the priority order of connection addresses. After trying to connect to all available addresses for this resource and assuming at least one connection was successful, the PlexServer object is built and returned. Parameters: ssl (bool, optional): Set True to only connect to HTTPS connections. Set False to only connect to HTTP connections. Set None (default) to connect to any HTTP or HTTPS connection. timeout (int, optional): The timeout in seconds to attempt each connection. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.NotFound`: When unable to connect to any addresses for this resource. """ if locations is None: locations = self.DEFAULT_LOCATION_ORDER[:] if schemes is None: schemes = self.DEFAULT_SCHEME_ORDER[:] connections = self.preferred_connections(ssl, locations, schemes) # Try connecting to all known resource connections in parallel, but # only return the first server (in order) that provides a response. cls = PlexServer if 'server' in self.provides else PlexClient listargs = [[cls, url, self.accessToken, self._server._session, timeout] for url in connections] log.debug('Testing %s resource connections..', len(listargs)) results = utils.threaded(_connect, listargs) return _chooseConnection('Resource',, results)
[docs] class ResourceConnection(PlexObject): """ Represents a Resource Connection object found within the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexResource` objects. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Connection' address (str): The connection IP address httpuri (str): Full HTTP URL ipv6 (bool): True if the address is IPv6 local (bool): True if the address is local port (int): The connection port protocol (str): HTTP or HTTPS relay (bool): True if the address uses the Plex Relay uri (str): Full connetion URL """ TAG = 'connection' def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data self.address = data.attrib.get('address') self.ipv6 = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('IPv6')) self.local = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('local')) self.port = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('port')) self.protocol = data.attrib.get('protocol') self.relay = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('relay')) self.uri = data.attrib.get('uri') self.httpuri = f'http://{self.address}:{self.port}'
[docs] class MyPlexDevice(PlexObject): """ This object represents resources connected to your Plex server that provide playback ability from your Plex Server, iPhone or Android clients, Plex Web, this API, etc. The raw xml for the data presented here can be found at: Attributes: TAG (str): 'Device' key (str): '' clientIdentifier (str): Unique ID for this resource. connections (list): List of connection URIs for the device. device (str): Best guess on the type of device this is (Linux, iPad, AFTB, etc). id (str): MyPlex ID of the device. model (str): Model of the device (bueller, Linux, x86_64, etc.) name (str): Hostname of the device. platform (str): OS the resource is running (Linux, Windows, Chrome, etc.) platformVersion (str): Version of the platform. product (str): Plex product (Plex Media Server, Plex for iOS, Plex Web, etc.) productVersion (string): Version of the product. provides (str): List of services this resource provides (client, controller, sync-target, player, pubsub-player). publicAddress (str): Public IP address. screenDensity (str): Unknown screenResolution (str): Screen resolution (750x1334, 1242x2208, etc.) token (str): Plex authentication token for the device. vendor (str): Device vendor (ubuntu, etc). version (str): Unknown (1, 2,, 1.3.15, etc.) """ TAG = 'Device' key = '' def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data = data.attrib.get('name') self.publicAddress = data.attrib.get('publicAddress') self.product = data.attrib.get('product') self.productVersion = data.attrib.get('productVersion') self.platform = data.attrib.get('platform') self.platformVersion = data.attrib.get('platformVersion') self.device = data.attrib.get('device') self.model = data.attrib.get('model') self.vendor = data.attrib.get('vendor') self.provides = data.attrib.get('provides') self.clientIdentifier = data.attrib.get('clientIdentifier') self.version = data.attrib.get('version') = data.attrib.get('id') self.token = logfilter.add_secret(data.attrib.get('token')) self.screenResolution = data.attrib.get('screenResolution') self.screenDensity = data.attrib.get('screenDensity') self.createdAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('createdAt')) self.lastSeenAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastSeenAt')) self.connections = self.listAttrs(data, 'uri', etag='Connection')
[docs] def connect(self, timeout=None): """ Returns a new :class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient` or :class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer` Sometimes there is more than one address specified for a server or client. After trying to connect to all available addresses for this client and assuming at least one connection was successful, the PlexClient object is built and returned. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.NotFound`: When unable to connect to any addresses for this device. """ cls = PlexServer if 'server' in self.provides else PlexClient listargs = [[cls, url, self.token, self._server._session, timeout] for url in self.connections] log.debug('Testing %s device connections..', len(listargs)) results = utils.threaded(_connect, listargs) return _chooseConnection('Device',, results)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Remove this device from your account. """ key = f'{}.xml' self._server.query(key, self._server._session.delete)
[docs] def syncItems(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncList` for current device. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: when the device doesn't provides `sync-target`. """ if 'sync-target' not in self.provides: raise BadRequest('Requested syncList for device which do not provides sync-target') return self._server.syncItems(client=self)
[docs] class MyPlexPinLogin: """ MyPlex PIN login class which supports getting the four character PIN which the user must enter on to authenticate the client and provide an access token to create a :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount` instance. This helper class supports a polling, threaded and callback approach. - The polling approach expects the developer to periodically check if the PIN login was successful using :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexPinLogin.checkLogin`. - The threaded approach expects the developer to call :func:`` and then at a later time call :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexPinLogin.waitForLogin` to wait for and check the result. - The callback approach is an extension of the threaded approach and expects the developer to pass the `callback` parameter to the call to :func:``. The callback will be called when the thread waiting for the PIN login to succeed either finishes or expires. The parameter passed to the callback is the received authentication token or `None` if the login expired. Parameters: session (requests.Session, optional): Use your own session object if you want to cache the http responses from PMS requestTimeout (int): timeout in seconds on initial connect to (default config.TIMEOUT). headers (dict): A dict of X-Plex headers to send with requests. oauth (bool): True to use Plex OAuth instead of PIN login. Attributes: PINS (str): '' CHECKPINS (str): '{pinid}' POLLINTERVAL (int): 1 finished (bool): Whether the pin login has finished or not. expired (bool): Whether the pin login has expired or not. token (str): Token retrieved through the pin login. pin (str): Pin to use for the login on """ PINS = '' # get CHECKPINS = '{pinid}' # get POLLINTERVAL = 1 def __init__(self, session=None, requestTimeout=None, headers=None, oauth=False): super(MyPlexPinLogin, self).__init__() self._session = session or requests.Session() self._requestTimeout = requestTimeout or TIMEOUT self.headers = headers self._oauth = oauth self._loginTimeout = None self._callback = None self._thread = None self._abort = False self._id = None self._code = None self._getCode() self.finished = False self.expired = False self.token = None @property def pin(self): """ Return the 4 character PIN used for linking a device at """ if self._oauth: raise BadRequest('Cannot use PIN for Plex OAuth login') return self._code
[docs] def oauthUrl(self, forwardUrl=None): """ Return the Plex OAuth url for login. Parameters: forwardUrl (str, optional): The url to redirect the client to after login. """ if not self._oauth: raise BadRequest('Must use "MyPlexPinLogin(oauth=True)" for Plex OAuth login.') headers = self._headers() params = { 'clientID': headers['X-Plex-Client-Identifier'], 'context[device][product]': headers['X-Plex-Product'], 'context[device][version]': headers['X-Plex-Version'], 'context[device][platform]': headers['X-Plex-Platform'], 'context[device][platformVersion]': headers['X-Plex-Platform-Version'], 'context[device][device]': headers['X-Plex-Device'], 'context[device][deviceName]': headers['X-Plex-Device-Name'], 'code': self._code } if forwardUrl: params['forwardUrl'] = forwardUrl return f'!?{urlencode(params)}'
[docs] def run(self, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Starts the thread which monitors the PIN login state. Parameters: callback (Callable[str]): Callback called with the received authentication token (optional). timeout (int): Timeout in seconds waiting for the PIN login to succeed (optional). Raises: :class:`RuntimeError`: If the thread is already running. :class:`RuntimeError`: If the PIN login for the current PIN has expired. """ if self._thread and not self._abort: raise RuntimeError('MyPlexPinLogin thread is already running') if self.expired: raise RuntimeError('MyPlexPinLogin has expired') self._loginTimeout = timeout self._callback = callback self._abort = False self.finished = False self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._pollLogin, name='plexapi.myplex.MyPlexPinLogin') self._thread.start()
[docs] def waitForLogin(self): """ Waits for the PIN login to succeed or expire. Parameters: callback (Callable[str]): Callback called with the received authentication token (optional). timeout (int): Timeout in seconds waiting for the PIN login to succeed (optional). Returns: `True` if the PIN login succeeded or `False` otherwise. """ if not self._thread or self._abort: return False self._thread.join() if self.expired or not self.token: return False return True
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the thread monitoring the PIN login state. """ if not self._thread or self._abort: return self._abort = True self._thread.join()
[docs] def checkLogin(self): """ Returns `True` if the PIN login has succeeded. """ if self._thread: return False try: return self._checkLogin() except Exception: self.expired = True self.finished = True return False
def _getCode(self): url = self.PINS if self._oauth: params = {'strong': True} else: params = None response = self._query(url,, params=params) if response is None: return None self._id = response.attrib.get('id') self._code = response.attrib.get('code') return self._code def _checkLogin(self): if not self._id: return False if self.token: return True url = self.CHECKPINS.format(pinid=self._id) response = self._query(url) if response is None: return False token = response.attrib.get('authToken') if not token: return False self.token = token self.finished = True return True def _pollLogin(self): try: start = time.time() while not self._abort and (not self._loginTimeout or (time.time() - start) < self._loginTimeout): try: result = self._checkLogin() except Exception: self.expired = True break if result: break time.sleep(self.POLLINTERVAL) if self.token and self._callback: self._callback(self.token) finally: self.finished = True def _headers(self, **kwargs): """ Returns dict containing base headers for all requests for pin login. """ headers = BASE_HEADERS.copy() if self.headers: headers.update(self.headers) headers.update(kwargs) return headers def _query(self, url, method=None, headers=None, **kwargs): method = method or self._session.get log.debug('%s %s', method.__name__.upper(), url) headers = headers or self._headers() response = method(url, headers=headers, timeout=self._requestTimeout, **kwargs) if not response.ok: # pragma: no cover codename = codes.get(response.status_code)[0] errtext = response.text.replace('\n', ' ') raise BadRequest(f'({response.status_code}) {codename} {response.url}; {errtext}') data = response.text.encode('utf8') return ElementTree.fromstring(data) if data.strip() else None
def _connect(cls, url, token, session, timeout, results, i, job_is_done_event=None): """ Connects to the specified cls with url and token. Stores the connection information to results[i] in a threadsafe way. Arguments: cls: the class which is responsible for establishing connection, basically it's :class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient` or :class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer` url (str): url which should be passed as `baseurl` argument to cls.__init__() session (requests.Session): session which sould be passed as `session` argument to cls.__init() token (str): authentication token which should be passed as `baseurl` argument to cls.__init__() timeout (int): timeout which should be passed as `baseurl` argument to cls.__init__() results (list): pre-filled list for results i (int): index of current job, should be less than len(results) job_is_done_event (:class:`~threading.Event`): is X_PLEX_ENABLE_FAST_CONNECT is True then the event would be set as soon the connection is established """ starttime = time.time() try: device = cls(baseurl=url, token=token, session=session, timeout=timeout) runtime = int(time.time() - starttime) results[i] = (url, token, device, runtime) if X_PLEX_ENABLE_FAST_CONNECT and job_is_done_event: job_is_done_event.set() except Exception as err: runtime = int(time.time() - starttime) log.error('%s: %s', url, err) results[i] = (url, token, None, runtime) def _chooseConnection(ctype, name, results): """ Chooses the first (best) connection from the given _connect results. """ # At this point we have a list of result tuples containing (url, token, PlexServer, runtime) # or (url, token, None, runtime) in the case a connection could not be established. for url, token, result, runtime in results: okerr = 'OK' if result else 'ERR' log.debug('%s connection %s (%ss): %s?X-Plex-Token=%s', ctype, okerr, runtime, url, token) results = [r[2] for r in results if r and r[2] is not None] if results: log.debug('Connecting to %s: %s?X-Plex-Token=%s', ctype, results[0]._baseurl, results[0]._token) return results[0] raise NotFound(f'Unable to connect to {ctype.lower()}: {name}')
[docs] class AccountOptOut(PlexObject): """ Represents a single AccountOptOut '{userUUID}/settings/opt_outs' Attributes: TAG (str): optOut key (str): Online Media Source key value (str): Online Media Source opt_in, opt_out, or opt_out_managed """ TAG = 'optOut' CHOICES = {'opt_in', 'opt_out', 'opt_out_managed'} def _loadData(self, data): self.key = data.attrib.get('key') self.value = data.attrib.get('value') def _updateOptOut(self, option): """ Sets the Online Media Sources option. Parameters: option (str): see CHOICES Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.NotFound`: ``option`` str not found in CHOICES. """ if option not in self.CHOICES: raise NotFound(f'{option} not found in available choices: {self.CHOICES}') url = self._server.OPTOUTS.format(userUUID=self._server.uuid) params = {'key': self.key, 'value': option} self._server.query(url,, params=params) self.value = option # assume query successful and set the value to option
[docs] def optIn(self): """ Sets the Online Media Source to "Enabled". """ self._updateOptOut('opt_in')
[docs] def optOut(self): """ Sets the Online Media Source to "Disabled". """ self._updateOptOut('opt_out')
[docs] def optOutManaged(self): """ Sets the Online Media Source to "Disabled for Managed Users". Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: When trying to opt out music. """ if self.key == '': raise BadRequest(f'{self.key} does not have the option to opt out managed users.') self._updateOptOut('opt_out_managed')
[docs] class UserState(PlexObject): """ Represents a single UserState Attributes: TAG (str): UserState lastViewedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was last played. ratingKey (str): Unique key identifying the item. type (str): The media type of the item. viewCount (int): Count of times the item was played. viewedLeafCount (int): Number of items marked as played in the show/season. viewOffset (int): Time offset in milliseconds from the start of the content viewState (bool): True or False if the item has been played. watchlistedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was added to the watchlist. """ TAG = 'UserState' def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.ratingKey}>' def _loadData(self, data): self.lastViewedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastViewedAt')) self.ratingKey = data.attrib.get('ratingKey') self.type = data.attrib.get('type') self.viewCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewCount', 0)) self.viewedLeafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewedLeafCount', 0)) self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.viewState = data.attrib.get('viewState') == 'complete' self.watchlistedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('watchlistedAt'))
[docs] class GeoLocation(PlexObject): """ Represents a signle IP address geolocation Attributes: TAG (str): location city (str): City name code (str): Country code continentCode (str): Continent code coordinates (Tuple<float>): Latitude and longitude country (str): Country name europeanUnionMember (bool): True if the country is a member of the European Union inPrivacyRestrictedCountry (bool): True if the country is privacy restricted postalCode (str): Postal code subdivisions (str): Subdivision name timezone (str): Timezone """ TAG = 'location' def _loadData(self, data): self._data = data = data.attrib.get('city') self.code = data.attrib.get('code') self.continentCode = data.attrib.get('continent_code') self.coordinates = tuple( utils.cast(float, coord) for coord in (data.attrib.get('coordinates') or ',').split(',')) = data.attrib.get('country') self.postalCode = data.attrib.get('postal_code') self.subdivisions = data.attrib.get('subdivisions') self.timezone = data.attrib.get('time_zone') europeanUnionMember = data.attrib.get('european_union_member') self.europeanUnionMember = ( False if europeanUnionMember == 'Unknown' else utils.cast(bool, europeanUnionMember)) inPrivacyRestrictedCountry = data.attrib.get('in_privacy_restricted_country') self.inPrivacyRestrictedCountry = ( False if inPrivacyRestrictedCountry == 'Unknown' else utils.cast(bool, inPrivacyRestrictedCountry))