Source code for plexapi.gdm

Support for discovery using GDM (Good Day Mate), multicast protocol by Plex.

# Licensed Apache 2.0
# From

Inspired by:
  hippojay's plexGDM:
  iBaa's PlexConnect:
import socket
import struct

[docs] class GDM: """Base class to discover GDM services. Attributes: entries (List<dict>): List of server and/or client data discovered. """ def __init__(self): self.entries = []
[docs] def scan(self, scan_for_clients=False): """Scan the network.""" self.update(scan_for_clients)
[docs] def all(self, scan_for_clients=False): """Return all found entries. Will scan for entries if not scanned recently. """ self.scan(scan_for_clients) return list(self.entries)
[docs] def find_by_content_type(self, value): """Return a list of entries that match the content_type.""" self.scan() return [entry for entry in self.entries if value in entry['data']['Content-Type']]
[docs] def find_by_data(self, values): """Return a list of entries that match the search parameters.""" self.scan() return [entry for entry in self.entries if all(item in entry['data'].items() for item in values.items())]
[docs] def update(self, scan_for_clients): """Scan for new GDM services. Examples of the dict list assigned to self.entries by this function: Server: [{'data': { 'Content-Type': 'plex/media-server', 'Host': '', 'Name': 'myfirstplexserver', 'Port': '32400', 'Resource-Identifier': '646ab0aa8a01c543e94ba975f6fd6efadc36b7', 'Updated-At': '1585769946', 'Version': '', }, 'from': ('', 32414)}] Clients: [{'data': {'Content-Type': 'plex/media-player', 'Device-Class': 'stb', 'Name': 'plexamp', 'Port': '36000', 'Product': 'Plexamp', 'Protocol': 'plex', 'Protocol-Capabilities': 'timeline,playback,playqueues,playqueues-creation', 'Protocol-Version': '1', 'Resource-Identifier': 'b6e57a3f-e0f8-494f-8884-f4b58501467e', 'Version': '1.1.0', }, 'from': ('', 32412)}] """ gdm_msg = 'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.0'.encode('ascii') gdm_timeout = 1 self.entries = [] known_responses = [] # setup socket for discovery -> multicast message sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.settimeout(gdm_timeout) # Set the time-to-live for messages for local network sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, struct.pack("B", gdm_timeout)) if scan_for_clients: # setup socket for broadcast to Plex clients sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) gdm_ip = '' gdm_port = 32412 else: # setup socket for multicast to Plex server(s) gdm_ip = '' gdm_port = 32414 try: # Send data to the multicast group sock.sendto(gdm_msg, (gdm_ip, gdm_port)) # Look for responses from all recipients while True: try: bdata, host = sock.recvfrom(1024) data = bdata.decode('utf-8') if '200 OK' in data.splitlines()[0]: ddata = {k: v.strip() for (k, v) in ( line.split(':') for line in data.splitlines() if ':' in line)} identifier = ddata.get('Resource-Identifier') if identifier and identifier in known_responses: continue known_responses.append(identifier) self.entries.append({'data': ddata, 'from': host}) except socket.timeout: break finally: sock.close()
[docs] def main(): """Test GDM discovery.""" from pprint import pprint gdm = GDM() pprint("Scanning GDM for servers...") gdm.scan() pprint(gdm.entries) pprint("Scanning GDM for clients...") gdm.scan(scan_for_clients=True) pprint(gdm.entries)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()